5 ways you can pull more free traffic from the areas you already use to get more eyes on your offers. 

Read time: 3 minutes

Want to get more eyes on your offers? Too many people assume that having an amazing product or offer means that people will flock to it, when in fact there are many great businesses out there that never get seen. 

Today I’m going to share 5 ways you can pull more free traffic from the areas you already use to get more eyes on your offers. 

Here’s how to tap into traffic, and get more eyes on your offers. 

1: Put your link everywhere

You’d be surprised at how many people forget or don’t bother to include their link in all available online real estate. As a rule, put your link on all of your social profiles, as well as your YouTube videos, podcast episodes, e-books, newsletters, blog posts, and anything else you put online.  

2: Clearly articulate your elevator pitch/offer everywhere

Include your elevator pitch or headline in all online profiles so that it’s clear exactly what you do, what your offer, who/what your business or brand is. If people have to work too hard to figure out what you do, what you have to offer, or how you can help them, they won’t.

3: Have an enticing CTA

Instead of simply stating“click here”, include the benefit of what they’ll get, or how it will benefit them with a headline that articulates why they need to click and take action.

4: Try a different spin

Use different angles. Find new ways to appeal to your audience. For instance, if you’re a gym owner or trainer, your message might be get a 6-pack for summer, or maybe instead you could say get fit (or healthy) so you can keep up with activities during summer. In the winter you might say get to the gym now to make sure you’re ready for summer, or you might say get to the gym now so you can maintain, or so you don’t lose what you’ve worked so hard to get. 

5: Use existing audiences

Hang out where your ideal audience already hangs out. Be on all the applicable social media platforms. Get involved in relevant groups and chats. Be a guest on a podcast, get interviewed in groups, and connect with an influencer related to your brand or business. 


1: Put your link everywhere

2: Clearly articulate your elevator pitch/offer everywhere

3: Have an enticing CTA

4: Try a different spin

5: Use existing audiences